The Jeonbuk Content Promotion Agency announced that it will recruit game academy trainees free of charge at the Jeonbuk Global Game Center to cultivate professional manpower for game companies in the Jeonbuk region.

Recently, various expansions have been made, such as building simulations in addition to game production using the Unreal Engine, such as the one-person development of Soul-type games using the Unreal Engine. Indie game developers or students interested in game development can register for the free government-supported program. , game developers in the field advise that education and exchange greatly help.

□ Education overview
ㅇ Training name: 2024 Jeonbuk Global Game Center Game Development Professional Training Project
ㅇ Training period: July 8 (Mon) – August 16 (Fri), 2024, 6 weeks, total 72 hours / Tue, Wed 10-5 p.m.
ㅇ Target and number of people: university students, job seekers, prospective entrepreneurs, the general public, etc.
ㅇ Education method: Simultaneous online and offline education (*Offline education location: Jeonbuk Webtoon Campus)
ㅇ Training contents :
· Unreal Engine game development training: 72H (6H x 12 days)◦ Game QA time scheduled within the training curriculum
– QA of games developed by game companies in the province/provision of trainee feedback to companies, etc.
※ Subject to change through training operator

□ Student benefits
ㅇ Full tuition-free
ㅇ A certificate of completion will be issued if you complete more than 80% of the class hours.

□ Recruitment overview
ㅇ Recruitment period: 2024.06.11 (Tuesday) ~ 2024.06.28 (Friday) / Recruitment on a first-come, first-served basis
ㅇ Announcement of selection results: Individual notification or email sent on Friday, July 3, 2024

ㅇ Selection process: Application submission – Review of course eligibility (verification of local college students and residents) – Notification of final selection

□ Contact us
ㅇ Telephone inquiry: 02-305-5002~4
ㅇ Email :

□This course can only be taken by college students, graduates, job seekers in the game field, and employed people living in Jeonbuk. Please attach documents to prove your eligibility for the course!
※ If you do not submit supporting documents, you cannot register for the course.

[Documentary evidence]
– College students in the Jeonbuk area: copy of student ID

– Employees in Jeonbuk region: Copy of employment certificate
– Residents of Jeonbuk area: Copy of resident registration
*How to issue a resident registration copy
① Online issuance (free): Government 24 ( –> Issuance of resident registration copy
② In-person issuance (paid): Visit an issue at the Administrative Welfare Center (400 won per copy)
**Issuance precautions (to protect personal information, only the minimum information required for qualification verification is issued)
– Display information: Issued to display only the current address without displaying the last digits of the resident registration number
– Information not displayed: Past address changes, household composition information, household member information, last digit of resident registration number

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