Webzen (CEO Kim Tae-young) has released the early access schedule for ‘REMORE: INFESTED KINGDOM,’ an indie turn-based strategy RPG being developed by Black Anchor Studio.

Webzen can be played on the global PC game platforms ‘Steam’ and ‘Epic Games Store starting at 11 a.m. on October 31. Both platforms provide services in English and Korean.

The demo version of ‘REMORE’ was released at ‘Next Fest,’ which collects games scheduled for release on ‘Steam’ last June and provides an opportunity to experience them. Afterward, user feedback was applied, perfection was improved, and it was released as early access in about four months.

In this early access version, you can enjoy seven maps, including tutorials, using three main characters and more than 14 types of weapons. This work is divided into ‘turns’. It is carried out by issuing orders simultaneously using the ‘Weapon Action Power (WP)’ and ‘Tactical Action Power (TP)’ resources of each of the three characters at a time.

It was divided into ‘VENGEANCE’ difficulty for beginners, ‘SUFFERING’ difficulty for users who prefer turn-based strategy RPGs, and ‘DESPAIR’ for experienced hardcore users. If you clear the game once on any level, you can challenge another level through the ‘RECURRING NIGHTMARE’ mode, which allows you to select the essential item you want from the start.

Meanwhile, Webzen announced signing a global publishing contract for ‘REMORE’ with indie game developer Black Anchor Studio in March and is accelerating the development completion. After this early access, we plan to launch it as a global official service in the first half of next year (2024) through additional development.

When ‘REMORE’ was first unveiled under the name ‘BEFORE THE DAWN’ at the ‘Busan Indie Connect Festival (BIC)’ in 2020, it attracted attention due to the originality of the theme and differentiated system. Subsequently, it won the Gold Award in the production category at the ‘Global Indie Game Development Competition (GIGDC)’ in 2021. It was selected as a candidate for awards in three indie game categories at this year’s (2023) ‘Game Connection Europe.’

Information about early access for the indie turn-based strategy RPG ‘REMORE: Infested Kingdom’ can be found on the ‘REMORE’ official Discord channel (https://discord.com/invite/jQCVRgzgtB).

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