Joyrock Games, the indie game developer, announced on the 23rd that it released the hybrid casual mobile game ‘Card Run: Poker Race’ on the Google Play Store.

The hybrid genre is a game that combines different genres from the existing hyper-casual, and ‘Card Run: Poker Race’ has the characteristics of a complex genre that combines a run game and a poker game.

Gamers run to the finish line, select one of the five cards, fill in all five cards to create a rank (genealogy), and then face off against the boss at the finish line. As with poker rules, the gamer with the higher rank wins, and the rewards vary depending on the rank. The decision is the same as the poker rule, but it is characterized by excluding gambling elements such as betting or racing.

Each stage has a different difficulty level due to slightly different card sorting methods, and the playtime is about 1 minute, so you can easily enjoy playing for a short time.

‘Card Run: Poker Race’ is currently only available for download on Google Play, and the iOS version will be released later.

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