Apply through the Netmarble Cultural Foundation website from the 19th to the 23rd.
Recruiting about 200 participants… You can choose your preferred time slot every weekend.
This year, the process will be conducted in three steps… Delivering in-depth game communication methods.

Netmarble Cultural Foundation (Chairman Bang Jun-hyuk) announced on the 19th that it is recruiting participants for the ‘Visiting Game Communication School.’

The Game Communication School project started in 2016 as a program to inform elementary school students and parents nationwide about games’ characteristics and utilization methods and to support family communication to spread a healthy family game culture.

Netmarble Cultural Foundation was established this year to increase the continuity and ripple effect of game communication school education. Communication School>, etc., are organized and implemented in stages.

Anyone who is a family consisting of elementary school children and their caregivers can apply for this ‘Visiting Game Communication School.’ From the 19th to the 23rd, you can apply through a separate application link in the Netmarble Cultural Foundation website notice.

About 200 people can participate, and from July 15th to August 6th, the training will be held online every Saturday and Sunday, three times each. Participants can choose the time slot they want among the 1st (10:00~12:00), 2nd (13:00~15:00), and 3rd (15:30~17:30). Participation is completely free of charge, and participation will be informed individually.

Lee Na-young, secretary-general of the Netmarble Cultural Foundation, said, “We have systematized the game communication school curriculum into a three-step process in order to have the effect of education in the long term.” I hope it will help you make it.”

Meanwhile, the Netmarble Cultural Foundation, which was launched in 2018 to expand the value of healthy game culture, nurture future creative talent, and spread a culture of sharing, focuses on three areas: ‘creating culture,’ ‘nurturing talent,’ and ‘sharing minds.’ We are carrying out various and specialized social contribution activities.

For more information on the Netmarble Cultural Foundation, visit the official website (

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