Bandai Namco Entertainment and Bandai Namco Studio announced that the ‘2nd GYAAR Studio Indie Game Contest’ will be held at ‘GYAAR Studio,’ the indie game label of Bandai Namco Studio.

The ‘2nd GYAAR Studio Indie Game Contest’ aims to actively support indie game creators and further vitalize the game market in the future. The application period is from late September 2023 to early December 2023. Excellent works are selected from among the submitted works, and a total of up to 100 million yen in support is provided, and various support programs are provided.

To apply, a certain work, such as a working demo or prototype, must be submitted, and it is possible to submit a work that was submitted in the first round to the second round. Details will be released around August 2023.

A total of 209 games were submitted to the ‘1st GYAAR Studio Indie Game Contest’ held last year. For the winners of 1 Platinum Award and seven prize winners, Bandai Namco Group is providing various support programs using the know-how and strengths accumulated over the years, along with subsidies.

The winners of the ‘2nd GYAAR Studio Indie Game Contest’ will also receive a total of up to 100 million yen in subsidies and various support programs for the winners.

More detailed information on the ‘2nd GYAAR Studio Indie Game Contest’ can be found on the official website.

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