– Recruitment of 120 trainees for the 5th class by January 13, 2023. Cultivate field-customized talent through practical projects
– Achieved 75% employment rate for the 1st period and 75.5% for the 2nd period.
– Established a solid educational infrastructure in response to the demand for talent in the game industry, such as the opening of the 2nd Pangyo Campus in March 2023

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (Minister Park Bo-gyun) and the Korea Creative Content Agency (Director Cho Hyun-rae, hereinafter referred to as Conjin-won) are recruiting trainees for the 5th class of Game Talents until January 13, 2023, to foster key talents with practical skills in the game field.

Game Human Resources is an educational institution operated by KOCCA since 2019 to’ nurture 1% core talent to lead the Korean game industry. Since its opening, all employed people have entered the game industry, and the current employment rate for the 1st class, which graduated on August 21, is 75%, and the employment rate for the 2nd class, which graduated on August 22, reaches 75.5% in 4 months. As 35% of the employees entered large and medium-sized companies, they are showing remarkable results in fostering key talents in the game industry.

◆ Expanded recruitment of 120 trainees for the 5th class.. Provided systematic curriculum based on practice

A total of 120 trainees are recruited for this 5th class, including ▲the Game Planning Department (30 students), the 2D/3D Graphics Course ▲Game Art Department (40 students), and the 3D Graphics/Network Programming ▲Game Programming Department (50 students). With the opening of the 2nd campus, the existing 65-person recruitment quota was significantly expanded, and the academic calendar was adjusted to start in March and graduate in February so that trainees could advance into society in line with the job market schedule.

Any prospective job seeker or entrepreneur with a passion for the game field can apply regardless of major. Applicants will be finally selected at the end of February 2023 after going through the 1st document screening and the 2nd preschool screening for 2 weeks, which is a condensed version of the 2-year game training course, and the full-scale training course will begin in March 23. It is held on the 2nd campus.

◆ Expansion of educational infrastructure to meet demand in the game industry, such as the opening of the 2nd campus next year

Game Human Resources expanded the number of faculty members from 3 to 6 this year according to the demand of the game industry, and the second campus, which is 2.5 times the size of the first campus, is about to open in March 2023.

Trainees will perform basic and advanced education for each department in the first year at the 2nd campus, where the latest infrastructure is provided, and practice-oriented 2nd year team project production and mentoring courses at the 1st campus. Game Talent Center was registered as a lifelong education facility approved by the Ministry of Education and operated as a full-time, completely free education for a total of 2 years and 8 semesters.

Lee Yang-hwan, head of Conjinwon Game Headquarters, said, “With the opening of the 2nd campus, we are actively improving the academic system and infrastructure so that more trainees can receive education in the latest environment.” We will continue to actively invest and support in the field of talent development in order to supply them efficiently.”

Meanwhile, more details on the recruitment of 5th class trainees can be found on the website of Conjinwon (www.kocca.kr).

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