The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism announced that ‘Excellent Game of the Month’ in the second half of 2022, hosted by The Games Daily, an electronic newspaper, and supervised by the Korea Creative Content Agency, will recruit nominations by August 10.

‘Excellent Game of the Month’ has grown together with the domestic game industry every year since 1997 with the purpose of discovering and awarding excellent domestic games to revitalize game creation and inspire production.

‘Excellent Game of the Month’ selects 16 works, 8 each, not monthly, but twice in the first and second half of the year. Based on planning excellence, content competitiveness, and business execution capability, the winners are divided into △general games, △functional games, and △indie games. Applications are subject to expert evaluation and game user voting through document screening and presentation evaluation.

The winning company will be awarded the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Award and qualified for the ‘2022 Korea Game Grand Prize’. You can use the ‘Excellent Game of the Month’ certification mark, and you can receive special privileges such as support for participating in game exhibitions and briefing sessions hosted by the Korea Creative Content Agency, and granting additional points for game industry technical personnel.

The target of participation is domestic creative/developed games within 12 months of release based on the recruitment announcement date. Functional and indie game divisions can apply without restrictions on platforms and release dates.

Companies wishing to participate must prepare the required documents and submit them by 14:00 on August 2nd. Details and application methods can be found on the Korea Creative Content Agency website announcement and the Best Game of the Month website.

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