Sandbox Network (CEO Pil-seong Lee) announced on the 27th that it would hold the ‘2022 Sandbox Network Roblox Contest’ for the first time. ‘Roblox’ is a global metaverse game platform where users can directly create game content.

Any youth (middle and high school students) and adults who can create a Roblox map can participate in this contest as a team or as an individual. The subject of the application is free, and any content that can maximize the competency and originality of the participants is eligible for entry.

The application period is from June 27 to August 28, and the winner will be announced on September 19. A total of 17 teams will be awarded ▲ Grand Prize 5 million won ▲ Best Prize 1.5 million Won ▲ Excellence Award 500,000 Won ▲ Encouragement Award 200,000 Won In addition, additional points will be given to excellent participants when applying for employment in the sandbox network metaverse area in the future.

Sandbox announced the purpose of planning this contest to promote the metaverse ecosystem where anyone can become a creator while actively promoting new businesses that provide marketing solutions using metaverse platforms such as Minecraft and Roblox. .

Ho-chan Hwang, lead of Sandbox Metaverse Studio, said, “The web 3.0-based game market, where the line between creators and consumers is blurring like Roblox, is gradually expanding in Korea. We plan to nurture the next generation of creators.”

Details of the Sandbox Roblox Contest and where to apply can be found on the official website .

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