Daejeon City announced on the 7th that it would start the development support project by investing KRW 3.1 billion in total project cost (1.7 billion won from the government, 1.4 billion won from the city) to foster local game companies and discover star companies from March to 2022.

The game company development support project supports the entire cycle from the production of game contents in various fields such as ‘simulator’, ‘VR’, and ‘mobile’ to market entry, centered on the ‘Daejeon Global Game Center’ located within the ‘Daejeon Information Culture Industry Promotion Agency’. Business.

Even in a situation that was shrunk due to COVID-19 last year, the total sales of 70 supporting companies reached 18.4 billion won and new employment reached 100 people, contributing to revitalization of the local economy and job creation.

This year’s support project started with the ▲Simulation game production support project that supports Daejeon’s specialized fields of ‘simulator’ and ‘VR’ games, and the ▲Market growth type game production support project that supports ‘mobile’ and ‘computer’ games. ‘Game Start Lab (new game development) support project’ and ‘game advancement (targeted game release) support project’ to discover companies are also planned.

The ‘demand-tailored internship support project’, a new support project to be launched in 2022, was planned as a project to provide internship experience opportunities to job seekers interested in finding a job at a game company and to secure manpower for game workers in the Daejeon region by linking them to employment.

‘Global One-Stop Advancement Support Project’ will also be implemented to help Daejeon game companies enter the global market during the K-content revival period. Practical support will be provided so that companies can directly select the services they want, such as quality control, market entry, and consulting in the field of overseas marketing.

This year, the Daejeon Global Game Center secured an additional KRW 300 million in incentives in recognition of its excellent business performance last year among 10 global game centers nationwide.

‘BHaptics’, one of the main players in the achievement, was a science and technology-based hardware company, but with the support of the ‘Daejeon Global Game Center’, it jumped into game development and won the AR/VR Innovation Award at CES 2021, the world’s largest electronics exhibition last year. Awarded. In particular, it achieved global exports of 4 billion won with ‘tact suit’, a haptic device.

‘G.O.IT’ also received support from game production to market entry over several years, making concrete achievements last year. In particular, the sales amount of ‘Z-bike’ and ‘Tour Riding’ game contents, which can be enjoyed indoors while playing games befitting the home-stay era, reached KRW 6 billion.

In-hwan Moon, director of Daejeon City’s Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, said, “With the rapid growth of online culture due to COVID-19, the related game industry and e-sports are also growing together. planned,” he said.

Jinkyu Kim, president of Daejeon Information Culture Industry Promotion Agency, who is carrying out the project, said, “Now that the metaverse has emerged as the core of the game industry, it is time to shift the center of gravity of the game industry, which was concentrated in Seoul and the metropolitan area, to regional game centers including Daejeon.” “The Agency will lead the metaverse game industry centering on the Daejeon Global Game Center and the Daejeon e-sports stadium opened last year,” he said.

Information and application for this year’s support project can be checked and processed on the website of the Promotion Agency and the project management system .

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