Gyeonggi Province announced on the 8th that it would recruit companies participating in the ‘2022 global market commercialization support’ (hereinafter ‘commercialization support’) to support the direct entry of local game companies into overseas markets.

Commercialization support is a project that selects 25 excellent projects and supports direct entry into the overseas game market for about 7 months. With a total of 650 million won, 10 marketing companies and 15 translation companies are recruiting by dividing the application fields.

This year, the translation field was newly established in order to solve the problem that overseas users’ immersion in the game decreased due to the unnatural or culturally inappropriate language expression of overseas games.

Companies selected in the translation field will receive ▲text translation ▲Language Quality Test (LQA) ▲local optimization technical support. By correcting the text in the game, it aims to be reborn as a so-called delicious global game. In the marketing field, ▲marketing ▲game test support ▲local optimization technical support is provided, and companies can receive customized support according to their needs.

Commercialization support can be applied by any game developer with a business location in Gyeonggi-do as of the application date. However, it is for ‘games that are about to be released’ or ‘games that are in service in Korea and are preparing to enter the overseas market’. Games that are currently in service overseas can also be supported if they have a plan to ‘enter an unreleased region’.

Recruitment for marketing field is through the website of the Gyeonggi Global Game Center until the 18th and translation until 15:00 on the 21st, and duplicate applications for two fields of the same project are not allowed.

Park Jong-il, head of Gyeonggi Future Industry Division, said, “Commercialization support is a business that supports the marketing and translation fields, which are difficulties for small and medium-sized game companies wishing to advance into the global market. We want companies to participate,” he said.

For more information on application, check the Gyeonggi Global Game Center website, the Gyeonggi Content Agency website, or contact the Gyeonggi Content Agency Game and Digital Innovation Team (031-776-4781).

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