The Chungbuk Global Game Center, supported by Cheongju City and operated by the Cheongju Cultural Industry Promotion Foundation, announced that it will recruit new tenants by 6 pm on the 27th.

Recruitment targets are companies with game production business registration in North Chungcheong Province and preliminary start-up companies.

There are a total of 3 rooms (26~29㎡ each, about 8~9 pyeong), and the period of occupancy is the first 2 years, and thereafter, it is possible to extend it for up to 5 years through an extension examination, and rent is provided free of charge. However, utilities such as water and sewage charges and telephone charges are borne by the company.

The game center, located on the second floor of the Cheongju High-tech Cultural Industrial Complex, has grown and expanded steadily since its opening in 2018. .

As the only game-related institution in North Chungcheong Province, it is operating with the goal of nurturing excellent game talents and nurturing star companies in the region. Last year, despite the prolonged COVID-19 outbreak, we supported a total of 25 game companies, including resident companies, and created 105 new jobs through human resource training at the game academy.

Currently, 18 game companies are moving into the game center. Its greatest strength is that it can smoothly establish networks among various game companies, which were difficult to seize even opportunities in the region.

Game companies and pre-startup companies interested in moving in should download the application form and move-in business plan from the website of the Cheongju Cultural Industry Promotion Foundation (, fill it out, and email (do@cjculture. org) to apply.

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