◈ Mentoring program tailored to experts in game planning, graphics, and programming fields
◈ Monthly mentee subsidy of 1.5 million won for prospective job seekers and entrepreneurs under the age of 34
◈ A total of 26 candidates will be selected, and it will be held for 6 months from May 16th to November 19th.

Korea Creative Content Agency and Soonchunhyang University are recruiting creative trainees (mentees) to participate in ‘Level UP Together NEXT’, a level-up program with game content production experts, ‘Level UP Together NEXT’ by 11 am on April 29 (Fri). said to do

‘2022 Contents Creative Talent Accompanying Project’, which marks its 3rd year this year, is a customized non-face-to-face game that connects mentors who are experts in game planning, graphics, and programming and mentees who need advice, and provides training related to on-the-ground practice and employment start-ups. Development of an online mentoring program.

Recruitment targets are prospective job-seekers under the age of 34 who are interested in game planning, artists, and programming careers. Preferential benefits are given to game-related content development majors and portfolio holders, as well as graduates or residents of universities in Chungnam. However, incumbents and students attending or taking a leave of absence from school are not eligible to apply.

Mentoring will be held for 6 months from May 16th to November 19th. A total of 26 mentees who are finally selected will be given benefits such as △customized 1:2 mentoring by experts in each field △step-by-step education and various activity programs △provided mentee support of 1.5 million won a month and awarding excellent results.

More information and application for participation in this ‘2022 Contents Creative Talent Accompanying Project’ can be found on the OnOff Mix Recruitment page . Do it.

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