Pre-registration for domestic and foreign participants for the global indie game festival ‘2022 Indiecraft The FESTA’ has started.

Hosted by Seongnam City and co-hosted by Seongnam Industry Promotion Agency and Korea Mobile Game Association, ‘2022 Indiecraft’ finally selected 47 domestic companies and 3 community companies on the 10th and finished preparations for participation in the global online virtual game show. .

‘2022 Indiecraft The FESTA’, which will be held for 5 days from the 25th to the 29th, is a metaverse, and pre-registration is conducted to welcome global users and game industry officials. If you pre-register through the Google form, you will receive a virtual game show access manual via e-mail, and preparations are in full swing to welcome visitors, such as giving out prizes to those who pre-register through a lottery.

In this online virtual game show, 50 excellent indie games in Korea and invited works from overseas are also displayed. ▲ Global indie game show joint promotion halls such as ‘Indonesia Joint Pavilion’ with the Indonesian Game Association (IGA), ▲ Taiwan ‘Taipei Game Show’, and ▲ ‘We Play Joint Pavilion’ with China Indie Game Association (CIGA). Games are also available.

The online virtual game show is open 24 hours a day, and users can participate in the ‘Metaverse Exhibition’ through their avatars. In addition to text conversations, real-time communication between avatars is possible through voice chat, and by introducing a voice chat function for each booth, business meetings such as game users or publishers can be held.

In particular, unlike last year, this virtual game show was prepared to be accessible on mobile devices. If you visit the virtual game show booth and collect scattered ‘stars’ to apply, various events such as Nintendo Switch and gaming headsets will be held.

Detailed information on ‘2022 Indiecraft The FESTA’ will be announced through OnOffmix, a meeting website, and the Indiecraft official website . For sponsorship and other inquiries, please contact the Korea Mobile Game Association Secretariat (070-8680-6477,

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We will create the future of Korean indie games for the global No.1 game powerhouse. #Since2003