■ Conducted for excellent entrepreneurs with competence, and various benefits are granted to selected teams
■ As a pre-incubation program introduced for the first time this year, MVP and IR writing guides are also provided.

Smilegate Orange Planet Startup Foundation announced on the 13th (Wednesday) that it would hold the 5th Jeonju Startup Competition.

The 5th Jeonju Entrepreneurship Contest, co-hosted and supervised by Jeonju City and Orange Planet, was prepared to discover and nurture excellent startup teams in the region. Teams wishing to participate can submit related documents, such as a business plan to the Orange Planet website by June 19th.

The 5th Jeonju Entrepreneurship Contest expands and selects the final selection team from the existing 5 teams to 8 teams and divides the growth support program into 2 stages for the selected teams, providing support from the basic stage of business development to the advanced stage of education.

Eight teams are selected through screening, such as the first document and the second interview. The selected team is a pre-nurturing program introduced for the first time this year and provides coaching and workshops to strengthen entrepreneurial capabilities, such as MVP (Minimum Viable Product) implementation plans, IR writing methods, and business model design. Afterward, they will participate in the final IR at the 2023 Jeonbuk Entrepreneurship Competition scheduled to be held in September, and a total prize money of 50 million won will be differentially paid to the five teams that received excellent reviews.

After that, they join the Orange Planet Jeonju Center for one year, participate in the accelerating program, and receive benefits such as mentoring programs for business advancement and networking opportunities with Orange Planet alumni.

“This Jeonju Entrepreneurship Competition is meaningful in discovering excellent local startups and supporting them from the beginning of their business development,” said Sangbong Seo, head of the Orange Planet Center. We will make various efforts to create an ecosystem,” he said.

An official from the Jeonju City Bureau of Economics and Industry said, “The Jeonju Startup Competition is a gateway to successful startups in the region, both in name and reality, positioning itself as a place of opportunity that produces many growing companies.” We will do our best to continue to play the role of a stepping stone to support.”

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