The Gwangju Information Culture Industry Promotion Agency announced that it will hold the ‘2nd Gwangju Game Audition’.

This audition, held for the second time following last year, is open to anyone interested in game development in Gwangju. The game to be submitted must be able to complete development within 2023, and successful applicants must submit a build (executable file) before the first audition.

Registration is from July 11th to August 17th, and online registration is available on the audition website. After the application deadline, the final winners will be announced after the first audition, mentoring, and final audition.

A total of 45 million won will be awarded to the winners, including 1st place (30 million won), 2nd place (10 million won), and 3rd place (5 million won), and three people (teams) will be selected and awarded.

For more information about the audition, please visit the official audition website . For inquiries, please contact the Operation Secretariat (02-6953-1410,

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