The city of Incheon will hold the ‘5th Incheon Game Forum’ at Incheon Startup Park in Songdo International City on the 21st to help people understand the world of virtual reality in interesting and fun games about ‘Metaverse’ and ‘NFT’, which are global trends. announced on the 17th.

The forum, which marks its 5th anniversary this year, shares prospects for future food businesses that will lead the game industry, such as NFT (non-fungible token), metaverse, and block chain, and promotes the convergence of games and new businesses. It is promoted to explore the future, such as a new business strategy for game developers.

For an enjoyable and fun forum, famous YouTubers such as Kim Seong-hoe of ‘Knowledge Encyclopedia’ and Lee Min-ho of ‘Mingmo’ as lecturers will give lectures to various virtual worlds connected to the game world such as games, metaverses, games and NFTs. We are going to talk about reality.

The event will be conducted both online and offline at the same time so that real-time communication with a sense of reality can take place. 50 people to participate in the site are pre-recruited on a first-come, first-served basis through the QR code, and on the day of the event, they can participate online in real time through the official YouTube channel of Incheon City.

Hong Jun-ho, director of the Culture and Tourism Bureau, said, “Starting with the game forum, we plan to hold various game culture content projects such as the Incheon e-Sports Challenge, a global competition, and a school league. said.

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