The ‘K-Content Triangular Formation,’ in which Gyeonggi-do, content conglomerates, and small and medium-sized content producers work together to discover and nurture competitive K-content, will be launched earnestly. It is a plan to create added value by producing excellent K-contents by small and medium-sized producers using the budget of Gyeonggi-do and the intellectual property rights of content conglomerates.

On the 31st, Governor Kim Dong-yeon of Gyeonggi-do said at the Gyeonggi Contents Korea Lab (7th floor of the Gyeonggi Creative Economy Innovation Center in Pangyo, Seongnam) that Kakao Entertainment, SM Entertainment, Nexon, Smilegate, It has signed agreements with five companies with intellectual property rights (IP), including CJ ENM.

Governor Kim Dong-Yeon said, “In the meantime, I have heard much about intellectual property theft by small and medium-sized businesses and venture companies, so I have always paid much attention to preparing countermeasures. I can’t help but be very happy,” he said. “I hope you will succeed by using your intellectual property well. Also, it would be nice if you give back to others or to our society at the right time and in the right way, just as much as you received.”

The ‘K-Content Intellectual Property Rights (IP) Convergence Production Support’ project is worth 2.4 billion won in production support alone. The ‘Excellent Content Intellectual Property Rights (IP) Utilization’ section performs tasks by utilizing the popular intellectual property rights (IP) of domestic famous intellectual property (IP) holding companies that have signed an agreement with Gyeonggi-do and the intellectual property rights (IP) desired by participating companies It is divided into two parts, such as the ‘Content IP Expansion’ section, where genres are freely selected and created, and about 12 projects are carried out.

Under the agreement, these companies will provide ▲webtoon/web novel intellectual property (Kakao Entertainment) ▲artist intellectual property (SM Entertainment) ▲game intellectual property (Nexon·Smilegate) ▲animation/entertainment intellectual property (CJ ENM) to small and medium-sized production companies. In addition, it participates in project discovery, selection, and evaluation and supports education, consulting, and mentoring for the production of excellent content. Gyeonggi-do is in charge of policy establishment and budget support for ‘K-content intellectual property (IP) convergence production support.’

In addition, when the ‘IP Convergence Content Cluster,’ which is being promoted as a contest project by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism with Goyang City, is completed in 2026, Gyeonggi-do will be the only one in the country to discover excellent content intellectual property – distribution, commercialization – experience and consumption ecosystem. Looking forward to it.

After the signing ceremony, about 10 executives and staff members from the contracting company and the provincial content production company selected as the support company for the project attended and had time to communicate with small and medium-sized content production companies in the province. In the process of communication, content producers in the province said, “It is a good policy to develop a growth model and create a virtuous cycle by allowing large companies to share intellectual property and small and medium-sized producers to make good use of it to create new convergence contents.” I hope you will lead me.”

Regarding this, Governor Kim said, “(This project) is good in that company that share intellectual property rights and small and medium-sized manufacturers do not compete, but create synergies while expanding new business areas.” If Korea makes it a country full of creativity, challenges, and attempts, Korea will be number one.”

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